Interwear (online at Club Seattle B-95-2001 CLUB SEATTLE GUIDE AND PASSBOOK How about a little more support and a little less attitude? T-94-1 MORE SUPPORT Walk softly and carry a big chip. T-94-2 BIG CHIP The superhighway. It's a long hard drive. T-94-3 HARD DRIVE Nethead. (Nerd on a wire) T-95-4 ON A WIRE Quick! Plug me into someone. T-95-5 PLUG IN Only outlaws will have privacy if cryptography is outlawed. T-95-6 CRYPTOGRAPHY Yo Netheads. Surf's up. T-95-7 SURF'S UP Superhighway? I got yer superhighway right here. S-95-8 SUPERHIGHWAY Connectively Challenged S-95-9 CHALLENGED These are desperate times. S-95-10 DESPERATE Connectivity? I got yer connectivity right here. S-95-11 CONNECTIVITY Hey Mac, World got you down? Command-Z (UN-DO) S-95-12 COMMAND "Z" MADD (Modems Against Dumb Downloads) Member S-95-13 MADD NET Surf Champion - Society of Interactive Communications S-95-14 SURF CHAMP MedioNet S-95-15 MNET LOGO Shirt S-95-16 MNET LOGO Hat The Net. Where it's @ S-95-17 THE NET The future is not what it used to be S-95-18 FUTURE Spam this! S-95-19 SPAM Zip this! S-95-20 ZIP Byte this! S-95-21 BYTE Access this! S-95-22 ACCESS Attitude Support For Users (Interwe@r) S-95-23 LOGO Shirt S-95-24 LOGO Hat Club Net - Access has it's privileges E-95-1001 CLUB NET (Polo Shirt Embroidery) (Backorder Only) interwe@r, Club Net and all logos and images are the exclusive property of Interwear, Inc.